CCAI's 1st Annual 5K Race in honor of Becky Weichhand -

A part of Generosity DC, the CCAI 5K Run/Walk will take place on June 23, 2019 in Arlington's Bluemont Park. The event features a professional pre-race warm-up & stretch, a professional announcer, live DJ, one-of-a-kind CCAI event gear, a medal for every finisher, and an amazing time with friends, family, neighbors, co-workers, and community members who want to give back.
Since 2001, the Congressional Coalition on Adoption Institute (CCAI) has worked to bring Members of Congress and policymakers face to face with the reality of millions of children, here in the United States and around the world, who are living without the love and protection of a permanent family, and to help eliminate the barriers that keep children from realizing their right to a forever family.
Partnering with over 140 Members of the congressional adoption caucus, CCAI serves as a resource for Members of Congress and their staff, providing information, resources, and opportunities to directly engage with the children, youth, families, and professionals who are on the frontlines of child welfare and adoption policy. CCAI works across partisan lines, bringing together Republicans and Democrats who are committed to the shared goal of ensuring all children know the love and support of a family.
As a small nonprofit organization, CCAI has an incredible platform to work with some of the world’s most powerful leaders on behalf of vulnerable children.
Last year, we experienced the devastating loss of our vibrant, passionate Executive Director, Becky Weichhand, whose love of vulnerable children and dedication to the work of elevating their voice in Congress knew no bounds. We are committed to carrying on the mission and legacy that Becky advanced during her decade at CCAI.
But we truly cannot do it without the support of individuals like you.
With your support, CCAI can continue to carry our core programs:
Your support of CCAI’s first annual 5K will help enable us to continue raising the voices of children in need of families.
From the bottom of our hearts – thank you for being one of our champions! We look forward to seeing you on race day!